Passenger Regulations and Rules of Conduct

These rules are designed to ensure that all passengers (inclusive of Revaire Members (“Members”) and their guests (“Guests”)), as well as Revaire and aircraft carrier personnel, can expect to be safe and treated with dignity and respect at all times. If any passenger engages in conduct that Revaire considers improper, offensive, or likely to risk endangering the safety of others, such passenger may be reprimanded and/or denied transportation. All determinations will be made at the sole discretion of Revaire’s management and/or aircraft carrier personnel.

If the conduct of a passenger endangers the aircraft or any person or property on board; obstructs or hinders the crew in the performance of their duties; fails to comply with any crew instructions or directions, including those concerning safety, security, seating, seat belts, smoking, or use of drugs or alcohol, or electronic equipment; uses offensive, threatening, abusive, or insulting words; behaves in a manner causing discomfort, inconvenience, damage, or injury to crew or personnel, the crew may take measures necessary to prevent continuation of such conduct, including restraint, disembarkation, refusal of future transportation, and revocation of Revaire membership.

Passengers agree to reimburse Revaire for any costs incurred to repair or replace property lost, damaged, or destroyed by the passenger; to compensate any affected person or crew member; and to cover costs of diverting the aircraft for removing the passenger. Revaire may also report actions to relevant authorities for prosecution. Members are responsible for the above on behalf of their Guests.

The following rules of conduct will be strictly enforced:

Alcohol Consumption - In accordance with FAA rules, passengers are prohibited from consuming alcoholic beverages not provided on the aircraft. Passengers shall not bring alcohol on board for consumption during a flight. Revaire reserves the right to refuse to serve alcohol or to withdraw alcohol served at any time.

Controlled Substances - Revaire has zero tolerance for the transportation or use of narcotics and other controlled substances. This includes substances such as cannabis that may be legal in certain states.

Intoxication - The crew reserves the right to deny boarding to any passenger who appears intoxicated or under the influence. Passengers denied boarding for this reason will not be entitled to a refund or alternative transportation. Passengers who are denied boarding due to intoxication, or becoming overly intoxicated on a flight, will have their membership revoked.

Smoking and Vaping - Smoking, vaping or other similar products are not permitted to be used on any flight.

Cash Limitations - Each passenger can transport no more than $50,000 (or foreign equivalent) in cash on any flight. Passengers with more than this amount will be denied boarding.

Respectful Behavior - Passengers must be respectful to other passengers and to Revaire and operator personnel. Zero tolerance is in place for harassment or offensive behavior, including verbal or physical abuse, threats, discrimination, profane language, unwanted solicitation, loud behavior, or any actions creating conflict.

Food - Passengers may bring easy-to-eat food onto the aircraft. We ask that you keep in mind that you will be in a small space with your food choice, and remember that spills and other damage will be your financial responsibility to clean/repair.

Hygiene and Etiquette - Passengers must observe proper etiquette and maintain appropriate hygiene. Offensive hygiene will be considered a violation of conduct rules.

Dress Code - Passengers must wear appropriate attire. Shoes must be worn at all times. Sexually suggestive and offensive clothing is prohibited.

Phone and Video Calls - Voice calls and video calls while in flight are strictly prohibited.

Music and Video - On flights where one member has not chartered the entire aircraft, playing of music and/or videos without headphones is prohibited.

Damage to Aircraft - Passengers must not cause damage to any aircraft or amenities.

Privacy - Respect the privacy of other passengers. No photos or videos of other passengers may be taken or shared on social media without prior consent.

Authority of Crew - Passengers have no authority to instruct or hinder the crew or support personnel in their job performance and duties.

Adherence to Policies - Passengers must strictly adhere to all policies, procedures, rules, and regulations of the aircraft operator.

Revaire, in collaboration with the crew, will strictly enforce these rules of conduct. Violations may result in denied boarding, in which case, no refund will be provided. Guests of members will also be denied boarding if a member is denied. Members are responsible for the conduct of their guests. Revaire is not responsible for alternative transportation if boarding is denied due to conduct violations.In the event boarding is denied, membership will be immediately revoked.

Searches and Baggage; Compliance with Law

Revaire and the aircraft carrier reserve the right to subject passengers and their baggage to security screening. Neither Revaire, the carrier, nor their employees or agents are liable for any damage, loss, delay, confiscation of property, injury, or harm related to or arising from security screening or refusal to submit to screening.

Passengers may not carry firearms, ammunition or any weapons on Revaire flights.

Federal law forbids the carriage of hazardous materials aboard aircraft, including explosives, compressed gases, flammable liquids and solids, oxidizers, poisons, radioactive material, corrosives, magnetized materials, undeclared lithium batteries, and undeclared dry ice.

Passengers must comply with all applicable federal laws and regulations while aboard any flight arranged by Revaire.

Access to and Exiting of Aircraft

Passengers may not access or approach an aircraft without accompaniment by a member of the flight staff.

Passengers must proceed directly to the aircraft from the FBO (Fixed-Base Operator) and to the FBO when disembarking. Any deviation may result in being prohibited from boarding or reboarding the aircraft.

Upon arrival, passengers must disembark immediately upon the aircraft’s arrival at the FBO at the instruction of the crew.

No loitering at FBOs - please move on to your destination after you arrive.

Dispute Resolution

Safety and comfort are top priorities. The flight crew has full authority to deny boarding or discipline a passenger for behavior detrimental to safety and well-being. In the event that a member or their guest is denied boarding or disciplined by flight crew, membership will be revoked immediately.

Other disputes will be addressed promptly by Revaire’s staff. By becoming a Revaire member, Members agree to adhere to these guidelines and respect the authority of both the flight crew and Revaire’s team, and ensure their Guests abide by the same.

Membership Cancellation and Sanctions

Revaire reserves the right to revoke memberships for any violations of this agreement or for conduct diminishing the experience for other members. Violations may result in temporary suspension or permanent revocation of membership at Revaire’s discretion. A revoked membership is not open to appeal.